Tuesday 20 September 2011

Rabbit's Foot (or 0.3048 m)

What is the nature of luck.  I personally, don't believe in luck.  I think we either see and seize opportunities, or we are blinded to them and leave them scattered along the roadside as we journey through life.  It is with this in mind, I write.  I have no idea what words will spill onto the page.  I am merely going to continue writing and hope that 'luck', Mistress and lady that she is, appears and blows on my literary attempts, resulting in a blog of memorable proportions.

For me this blog has become an annoying itch I must scratch, yet the scratching only amplifies the itch.  I am hoping the itch hits twenty-one and someday I will earn scratch for my work.  I am attempting to play the scribe's lottery in hopes of being recognized as worthy of the title 'author'.  I am spinning the roulette wheel of creativity and letting the chips fall where they may.  Is this odd?  Will I come up even?  The ball is in play, and the wheel turns the tables until there are only winners and losers.  Perhaps I should try baccarat.

My bookie is hoping I get lucky.  Of course he is playing the numbers game.  He knows without a doubt most of us are losers.  He counts on it.  So do most people trying to make money.  No matter what happens bankers have a sure thing.

I tried counting on being a card, but we all know you get kicked out for counting cards.  Math is frowned upon when gambling.  Lady Luck probably finds it all to be tedious.

Some of you might consider this experiment to be art.  Another realm of luck.  Each delicate smear of the paint, as it dances with the bristles of the brush can be either a critical mess or a breathtaking work of beauty and contemplation.  I think artists are the optimists of the wagering world.  Every creation tempts fate, destiny, and the boundaries of good taste.  Everyone loves poker playing dogs, but what of their forgotten creator.  Velvet Elvis, we hardly knew ye. 

I suppose the ultimate answer lies in the hands of the critics. 

After reading this, are you all in? 
