Monday 21 November 2011

He said 'flag'

Flags are popular.  Flags have always been in vogue.  Every nation's Must Have.

The question is, what does your flag say about you?

Is your flag on the play?  Does it illuminate the rockets red glare?  Does it allow for careful treading or do you have to watch your step?

They say the colours of a flag never run, but I am fairly sure I saw a flag in pastels.  Do they also come in acid wash and button fly?

Is it a freak flag, and does it fly?  Was it stolen or is it firmly planted in blood stained soil. 

Did you have a say in its design or was it thrust at you from failing hands?

Does it fit you or do you fit it?

Flags are burning, salting the earth and leaving civilians for dead.

A flag can lead to pole sitting.  Many a man is remembered for being at half mast.

I know I wave my flag when my hands are not busy doing what is necessary.


Where Did Everybody Go?

Things seem to be disappearing.  I distinctly remember there being more things in the universe.  I'm not talking your run of the mill nouns.  I'm discounting the elements, simply because, they will always be.  What seems to be missing are the intangible things I was raised with, man's nobler pursuits.

A mere decade ago I could walk a block away and find nude jello wrestling.  Now it seems there is no room for that bouncy sweet dessert.  The only time jello and breasts meet these days, is in a hospital ward.

I used to look at every street corner, and now where there are coffee shops, I see only the memory of taverns where a man could go and share his ignorant racist views with people of a similar ilk.  Now that hatred is reserved for the hipsters and their barristas.

I walk past schoolyards and past parks reminiscing about bullies and bloodshed, supervised by underpaid and overworked teachers and can not help but smile.

Some things never change.
