Sunday 25 September 2011

Props To The 'G'...

I have noticed how much of today's television programming is little more than agenda-driven propaganda.  Many of you might say the biggest offenders are the 24-hour news channels such as Fox and CNN.  I disagree.  I say the biggest antagonist to our freedoms and way of life is a cartoon known as The Simpsons. In a time of rampant waves of immigration, the Springfield characters are not wholesome Anglo-Saxons or Caucasians, but in fact yellow.

Of all the naturally occurring shades of skin tone, why yellow?  I'll tell you why.  To assuage our unease with the growing threat of Asia and her Communist denizens.  These Chinese colourings jaundice our perceptions of what the nuclear family really is.  While standing around the water cooler, which was made in Korea, I have heard co-workers laugh at the moronic antics of Homer.  What I was really witnessing was the mainstreaming of incompetence.  Where once the American dream was one filled with astronauts and doctors, we are told to blindly accept the under-achieving  buffoonery of the Simpsons.  This is a slippery slope.  Homer works at a power plant always moments away from 'China Syndrome'.  Coincidence?

You might think my conclusions faulty... this is what 'they' would like.  If Homer or some other citrine-shaded person wandered into your town and started picking crops would you be comfortable?  Should you?  Once you are comfortable with the Simpsons and their off-colour comedy, how long is it before you are practically welcoming hordes of sunshine-tinted people who are taking jobs away from the rest of us.

The masses might be alright with a 'typical community' of lutescent layabouts, but I know this is only the thin edge of the canary conspiracy that threatens the darkness of our cultural coalmine.  The glorifying of the amber-fication of America is the reason you see so many Asian buffet-style restaurants.  They literally have us lining up to eat they way they do.  If you are what you eat, are we slowly becoming Chinese?  Sure most of us have played chess and strolled through zen gardens, but when I see people talking about the uplifting nature of Confucianism, I realize the aurulent ardour has taken hold. 

I am against the ash blond armies massing at our borders, because I am no yellow belly.  I am descended from brave frontier men and women who bested the natives with the force of their ideals, and who continue to crush the notion of difference every day.  The Simpsons may be yellow as a quince, however I will not let them add a honey-tinged temperament that leads to a sexual bisque of liberalization.  My cultural soup has crackers.



  1. Yikes, someone "descended from brave frontier men and women" who has stood around a water-cooler making up words like lutescent and aurulent has hijacked your blog.

  2. Yikes, someone "descended from brave frontier men and women" who stands around water coolers has hijacked your blog. (mmmm soup)
