Monday 19 September 2011

What Manner of Hero Is This?

We live in the age of villainy.  I see it every day and its blinding glare reflects our desires back at us in shades of blood red, and bile green.  Conversation revels in the glistening smear of death and tax evasion.  Max is no longer mad, once he has his pound of flesh.

When I was growing up we adored George Baily and his fragile Savings and Loan.  We cheered when Rooster Cogburn softened his grit to accommodate a young girl in distress.  We Went Wonky for Willy and his dreams of chocolateering.  Today things are different.

Darth Vader, killer of young padewan, destroyer of civilized worlds, struts to a hummable tune and makes us smile as he threatens a Princess with torture and interrogation.  All the colours of the rainbow leave us laughing as we delight in the severed ears and gut shots of those 'pesky' Reservoir Dogs.  Alice and her raccoon eyes have shattered the looking glass while making more of herself to smash corporate structure.  We gobble popcorn to the brutal ballet of a thousand different roundhouse kicks as jaws crack, spines break and legs fracture.

We look to reality for those who would inspire and lead.  Our eyes fill with ponzi schemes and big business buyouts of our 'mom and pop' futures.  Once 401 was a future of retiring pressures, now it is merely a number.  Stand in line for the scraps of hope they dangle before us.  If you can do it to THEM first, you win.  The one who dies with the most toys wins. 

We watch as the zombie count mounts, and fail to consider their undying zest for life.  We cheer when Vlad is left ashen, ignoring the centuries he as endured and the loves he has forsaken for survival.  When the Death Star explodes, we 'hoot' and 'holla', but no one thinks of the hard working stormtroopers who enlisted to 'get an education', 'see the universe', and 'be all they can be'. 

At the end of the day, there are no heroes and villains, merely people trying to live with their choices.


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