Monday 28 November 2011

The Happiest Tragedy

Death is all pervasive.  It rides the warmth of every ray of light.  It fills the air of the sea breeze.  It is the darkness that creates the shadows.  It is the source of our dreams and fears. 

Heimlich knew.

We choke back the nasty thought that maybe we are already dead.  We clutch the remote control like a monkey clings to a tree branch; certain, unaware, and desperate.  Thank goodness our "Friends" are there for us.  A few presses of the buttons and we are safely among competent doctors in the "ER".  We are better seated than those centre squares.

For Heisenberg, it was a certainty.

You can know where you are, but never how fast you are moving.  You can fathom your speed, and be fated to ignorance as to where the HELL you are.  The road trip of our existence has no GPS.  We know the roads, highways and bi-ways, but what of the on ramps and off ramps?  Is love merely a Tim Horton's Truck stop along the way?  Does Family merely mean another reason to stop for ice cream?  Do we sound stupid when we continually say, "are we there, yet"?

At least I know exactly who and what I am DOING and  NOT doing... most of the time


1 comment:

  1. "At least I know exactly who and what I am DOING and NOT doing... most of the time"

    If you know what you are doing, you don't know how fast you are going. If you know how fast you are going, you don't really know who you are doing, and if you stop for ice cream, you know both where you are AND how fast you are licking the ice cream.
    or something like that.
